Friday, February 20, 2009

Term Limits

I cannot tell you how tired I am of hearing about this 'rescue' package. "It's socialism". "It's going to make things worse". Every talking head in the business is spewing everything from 'Hallelujah' to 'Doomsday'. The truth is, it doesn't matter. The bill passed and we, as a citizenry are stuck with it...lock, stock and barrel.

This package will create jobs. Government jobs. A larger bureaucracy. But, no careers. These will be temporary contract jobs in areas that need infrastructure built and/or repaired. This is a good thing. It does kill two birds. It gives a man a job and it gets a bridge or road built. The problem is, it is so myopic that it allows for a third result. That result is; another lost job one, two or three years down the road. It offers no long term (or even mid-term) solution to the issues that continually plague us.

Today I received a reply to a letter I sent to Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA). My letter railed against the bill (before the vote) for it's lack of vision as well as the manner it was rushed through Congress (for no apparent reason, since it passed and wasn't signed until 4 days later). In it, the junior Senator indicated that Congress had three options; 1- do nothing and allow more Americans to become affected by this crisis; 2-wait for the perfect bill, which wouldn't happen because every member would rally for their own causes or; 3-pass a bill that was a compromise of various ideas, both good and bad to get the economy moving.

As I see it, they accomplished NONE of these. Nothing would have been better than the debt this spending package will create. In no way is this a compromise of bipartisan ideas. This is a Democratic Party wish list of government programs that will continue to irritate the divide between the haves and have nots. Lastly, I don't recall every reading such cynicism from an elected representative. Her comment on waiting for the 'perfect' bill displays a true lack of compromise and willingness to embrace bipartisan governing.

It is time we exercise our right to enact term limits. But not by passing any law to force it. It is already available to us in the constitution. I heard a Texas Congressman say last night that 60% of this bills spending flurry will not occur until 2011. In 2010, we will have mid-term congressional elections. Any representative who helped to railroad this monstrosity of a 'stimulus' needs to be shown the door. Exercise your right as a citizen and elect their asses right out of Washington. People like Barbara Boxer do not have your interests at heart. Even if you agree with their positions, she/they only have power and re-election and the heart of their interests.

So, while they are claiming that you are the center of their world, show them who actually has the power. Cast your vote. Do it intelligently, not emotionally. Even if you elect another democrat or another republican, the change we can really believe in is US. We can bring about change without the permission of campaigning politicians. It's time for new blood. Vote these career politicians out. Force the system to work for you. Regardless of party, vote somebody from outside the political machine into office. It has never been more evident, the powers that be have forgotten who really controls this country. It's you.

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